with Simone Kenyon

Myco from Greek mukēs means fungus, denoting a relationship to fungus. Mycology is the scientific study of fungi.
My-co-listening is a sound work/meditation event that invites you to explore collectively and individually ways of relating to fungi. This event will specifically focus on cultivated fruiting bodies (aka mushrooms) and if possible, the wider woodland within our reach. Through deep listening and attending to our own bodily resonances, My-co-listening creates a moment for us to encounter and develop our sense of kinship towards our fungal communities and wider ecologies.
Simone Kenyon is an Arts in Moray (AIM) artist in residence with Dance North and this event is part of Fruiting Bodies, Simone’s current research in development.
Arts in Moray (AIM) is a Culture Collective supported by Creative Scotland and designed to support artists.