Dancing on the Inside:
honouring the legacy of Simon Fildes
Produced by Goat Media Limited
Saturday 11 June, 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Simon Fildes (1962 – 2021) was an international award-winning Scottish filmmaker, producer and curator, and he was an artist with close links to Dance North as a colleague, collaborator, presenting artist, and friend.
Simon was widely known for bridging the international dance film community through his prolific canon of work and his leadership roles including director of Screen.dance, Scotland’s festival of dance on screen.
Dancing on the Inside celebrates his legacy. Simon was involved in all the works of the programme, either as a mentor, director, editor, concept/writer or performer, and in hosting this screening as part of RISE, we celebrate his connection with Findhorn.
This programme showcases the work of Scottish and international artists as well as Simon’s newly released final film Do you mind can I ask you…(what happened to your legs?) which won “Best Inspirational Film” in the Tokyo Film Awards 2022.
Do you mind… is a semi-narrative moving image work that reflects on what it’s like to experience having a progressive degenerative condition. As there tends to be a lot of work about despair in the face of challenge, this work’s attitude is quite the opposite.
The grouping of works celebrates forms of embodiment and ‘dancing on the inside no matter what life throws our way’ as described in Do you mind… (S Fildes, A Warrilow and L Gourlay) as well as in Exhaust (S Fildes with J Parker) where we witness Simon negotiating quite beautifully with the balance between movement and the fatigue of MS. In Six Solos (S Fildes) and The Time it Takes (S Fildes and K McPherson) Simon danced through his edits, even when his body was no longer able. We experience the impossible body in Floor Falls (J Paterson, A Warrilow and L Gourlay) the fleeting body in High Winds & Slippery Surfaces (P Spence, C Jola and Z Irvine), and the retrospective, witnessing body in Etch (A Warrilow and L Gourlay).