Following our consultation through one-to-one interviews with RAS members, we are delighted to share our findings on how RAS members want the network the develop. RAS members have told us that they want:
- connection with each other, through classes, workshops, networking events, creative sharings
- to share their practice with each other
- to have a platform to publicise what they’re currently doing
- to have access to training sessions
- to have support with funding applications, risk assessments and budgets
- to access funding which will support their practice
- to make new partnerships, and for Dance North or other members to broker partnerships
- to have a regular newsletter with information and opportunities
- to have a platform (possibly digital) to connect with each other
- to have a simple, clear and fair application for support process – with transparent decision making
To facilitate a number of these points, we have designed a form which RAS members can use to request support – both cash and in-kind. A full menu of the support we can offer can be found here.
With support from Creative Scotland, we have £9,500 of funding available to distribute to the network. While we can’t support costs associated with the direct creation of work, we are able to support a whole host of professional development opportunities.
Support can be requested via this short form. Guidelines for requesting support can be downloaded here
As COVID guidelines begin to ease, we are also looking at arranging a number of training sessions, networking events and creative practice sharings later in the year. If you are interested in joining the RAS network, please sign up here. Individuals must be engaged with contemporary dance practice, interested in developing professionally within the sector, and have an existing relationship with Moray, the Highlands, the Western Isles and/or Shetland. This relationship could include being resident within the region of having established working partnerships with regional organisations, venues and/or groups. Eligible individuals must demonstrate a commitment to engaging with the region, be it with people, organisations, the environment, history or culture.