4×4 Dance, Body and the Environment
19-28 March 2014, Findhorn Ecovillage and the Isle of Eigg
4×4 Dance, Body and the Environment encourages artists to critically examine their performance practice, reflecting upon their relationship with the natural environment and ecological systems.
This is a residential research and development intensive devised as a 10-day programme, which is equally split between Findhorn (Eco-village and locale) and the Isle of Eigg in the Small Isles. As two very different communities committed to exploring sustainability and low-carbon living we feel it’s the perfect context in which to develop experimental approaches to performance and movement-based practice in the environment. The 4×4 collaborator on the Isle of Eigg will be Eigg Box that, like Bodysurf Scotland, is a social enterprise aiming to be an eco-aware, cultural hub.
The 4×4 mentor will be Jennifer Monson of iLand (USA) whose experience will support the richness and diversity of the intensive and pose critical questions of choreographic practice and performance in this context. Artists should be prepared to engage with the serious issues surrounding current environmental crises and visions of a sustainable future. Peer-to-peer support and co-operative spirit is critical for this programme, as is what the artists feel they can bring to each place and contribute at a community level. While we do not expect participants to create new work, opportunities will be created for sharing work in process.
4×4 Dance, Body and the Environment is open to artists of any discipline with a particular interest in dance, body and the environment. We also invite researchers from around the world to participate in this unique event and contribute to the issues and discourse that will arise from the lab. Bodysurf Scotland will document the residencies, with input from the artists, creating mechanisms for the dissemination of working processes and outcomes.