Afternoon JAM led by Kirstie Simson

for Experienced movers

Join Kirstie in her AIM residency before her return in October!

Experience a Contact Improvisation Dance Jam, perfect for those who love and are experienced in movement.

Kirstie will guide us through a warm-up and then lead us into moving with the music. Together, we’ll explore the space with freedom, play, presence, and awareness.This contact jam is not a structured class but a space for individual and collective expression and creativity.

When and Where

Sun 11 August 2024, 2-4 pm

Venue: Sunshine Room
East Whins, The Park Ecovillage, Findhorn, IV36 3TH

As a part of AIM (Arts In Moray) project, this is offered for free.

Space is limited and booking is essential via below link